Friday, October 18, 2024
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Dr.Arathi P M

Director in Charge, Assistant Professor

Dr Arathi P.M. was at Council for Social Development, New Delhi before joining School of Indian Legal Thought. She completed her doctoral research on “Gendered Bodies, Medicine and Law: A Study of Selected Case Laws from India” and an MPhil thesis on “Aborting Gender Justice: Legislating Abortion in Selected Countries of South Asia  —  A Preliminary Analysis” from the Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She holds a Masters in law specialising in health care law. Dr Arathi has been a Research Assistant on a collaborative project of the London School of Economics and Jawaharlal Nehru University on spousal violence in India.She has done her post doctoral fellowship as a Global Fellow at Berlin Social Science Centre funded by WZB and International Social Science Council, Paris.Dr. Arathi co-edited the book “Universalising health services in India”.

Date of joining: 09-10- 2019

Director in Charge: School of Gender Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University
Adjunct Faculty at

  1. Institute for Multidisciplinary Programmes in Social Sciences
  2. School of Gender Studies



  1. Public Health in India: Policy Shifts and Trends , Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2022 (ISBN-10 9354793703/ISBN13-978-93 54793707
  2. Universalising Healthcare in India: from Care to Coverage (edited Volume) with Imrana Qadeer and KB Saxena, Springer International & Aakar Books, New Delhi, 2019 (ISBN-10 9350025884/ ISBN 13 978-9350025888)


  1. “Silent Voices: A Critical Analysis of Legal Journey of Surrogacy in India”, Social Change, 49(2) 344–352, 2019 (DOI: 10.1177/0049085719844097)
  2. Proceedings of the 1st NSLR Symposium Law and Public Health NALSAR Student Law Review, Vol 13(2) 2019  – “The Legal Journey of Surrogacy Regulation in India: Denying Rights, Delaying Legality and Increasing Exploitation “2019 (13) NSLR(pp123-142) ISSN 0975 0216

Other Publications:

  1.  “Kerala’s ASHAs Lead Covid-19 Charge, Get Little” Article 14, June 11, 2020 (with Pallavi Prasad)
  2. (with Sunil P Ilayidom)
  3. 2022, October 12th 
  4.  2022, October 20 
  5. 2021 November 1


National/International Seminars and Invited Lectures/Special Lectures:

  1. Questions of Law and Justice in the Surrogacy Debates, Refreshers Course, organised by Advanced Studies, Calicut University, March 7th 2020
  2. Women’s Right to Bodily Integrity, organised by Institute of English, Kerala University, January 30th 2020
  3. Deepening Democracy and the Question of Universalising Health in India, organised by Department of Community Medicine, Medical College, Calicut, 10th December 2019
  4. Trajectories of Reproductive Justice: Understanding Contemporary Abortion Right Discourses’ in the International Seminar titled “Women and Development” organized by the Department of Economics, University of Kerala, India from 08th – 10th November 2022.
  5. Kerala Council for Historical Research, invited talk- scholarly reflections on contemporary issues- Preventing Domestic Violence: Patriarchy, Law and Judiciary, 2th July 2022
  6. Gender Equality: Social Economic and legal frameworks , invited lecture at Induction Training Programme for KAS officials on 25-02-2022 at Institute of Management in Government, Trivandrum
  7. Social Determinants of Health in Kerala– on certificate programme in Public Policy, Governance and Management held on27 March 2023 at institute of management in government
  8. Inclusive and empathetic pedagogy at UGC- Stride FDP in multi disciplinary capacity building  on 19-05-2022 at Al Ameen college Edathala
  9. Transformative Constitutionalism: Idea and Challenges invited lecture at Department of Political Science University of Calicut as art of the value added lecture series 13th December 2021
  10. Right to Abortion in India: Legal and Ethical Concerns before and after covid pandemic, in International virtual symposium on the “ future of bioethics in the post pandemic era” 10th September 2022 organised by Global Bioethics Collective and CLGPS
  11. Panel Discussion on role of nurses in public health perspective in one day symposium on status of nurses in the contemporary era, a way forward organised  centre of medical law GLC Ernakulam on 7th January 2023
  12. Religion Health and Gender Justice issues at a National Seminar on 6th October 2022 organised by TMAM Research and orientation centre
  13. Asking Gender Question: Concerns about Sensitive Research Subjects, at Feminist Research Methodology Workshop, organised by The Gender Park, 23rd February 2023
  14. Protective Legislation and inter-sectional approaches, Intersectionalities studies, short term course organised by DVCWS, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanscrit on24th March 2023
  15. Understanding Right to Health as a Social Determinant of Health, at workshop on  access to medicine TRIPS and Patents  organised by IUCIPRS, CUSAT and Third World Network, 10th December 2022
  16. Right to Health of Vulnerable Groups at  Advanced Certificate Program in Medical Law Clinical Research and Bioethics organised y ICREP, CUSAT, 20th September 2022

Chaired two sessions on the International Seminar on “Realisation of Human Rights of Women – Changing Dimensions, Challenges and Recourse” organised by Centre for Women and Family Studies, The National Law University of Advanced studies, Kochi, 6th &7th February 2020


  1. Presented a paper titled “Social Determinants of Health and Pandemic”, organised by Institute for Social and Ecological Studies, Kozhikode on June 16th 2020
  2. Presented a paper titled “Understanding Kerala Epidemic Ordinance 2020”, organised by Susheela Gopalan Online Padashala on June 11th 2020
  3. Moderated a session on forced Migration

Refresher Courses, Orientation/Induction Courses

  1. Participated in five day refresher course and training programme on “Health Care Laws and Patient Rights” organised by VR Krishna Iyer chair on Human Rights, School of Legal Studies, CUSAT 28th February -3rd March 2020
  2. Faculty Development Programme on “Historiography and Research Methodology” organized by  Mahatma Hansraj  Faculty Development Centre, Hansraj College during 19th April – 24th April, 2021. 
  3. Successfully completed a 4-Week Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” from 22 March – 20 April, 2023 organised by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi


  1. Regulating Bio- Cell Transactions in India: An Empirical Inquiry towards the Best Ethical, Legal and Medical Practices, submitted to ICSSR under IMPRESS (awaiting response)
  2. Social Determinants of Coastal Health: Emerging Human Right Issues in collaboration with Health Care Institute, Kodungallur; Daya hospital Thrissur and V R Krishna Iyer Chair, SILT(self-supported)
  3. Rights of frontline health care workers during pandemic ( with web portal Article 14 -self-supported)


  1. National Colloquium on Right To Health: Myths And Realities on 13th December 2019,SILT
  2. National Symposium on Rereading Ayodhya/Babri Masjid Supreme Court Verdict on 6th December 2019,SILT
  3. Constitutionalism: A Visual Sojourn – on the theme Constitution in Everyday Life, 26th November 2019, SILT
  4. Convenor, International Seminar-“Gandhi 150: Satyagraha in the 21st Century -Social, Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions of the Global Pursuits of Truth” Jointly organised by Council for Social Development, India International Centre, The Asiatic Society, Millia Islamia, Orfalea Centre for Global and International Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, REGGEN, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, University of South Africa, Institute of Social and Health Sciences, SAGE Publications at India International Centre, New Delhi Oct 22-Oct 24, 2019
  5. Round table discussion on from visible to invisible: female workforce participation in Kerala model of covid resistance on 12th December 2020 by SILT
  6. Coordinator,FDP,  Legal Research Methodology: Interdisciplinary Approaches organised by UGC- STRIDE 25th April to 1st May 2022

Deparmtment Activities:

  1. Staff Advisor to the Department Students Union from December 2019-2022
  2. Chairperson, E-Learning Grievance Redressal Cell from May 2020
  3. Team of Creating Legal Encyclopaedia in Malayalam 2020
  4. Returning Officer, Department Students Union 2023
  5. In- Charge of Dakshayani Velayudhan Digital Archives for Constitutional Values and Gender Rights


  1. On study on international collaborative study o status of nurses in Kerala(private sector) offered by Sven Vogitlender, Germany
  2. Memebr, 14th State Plan Gender Committee and worked in the sub groups of Gender and Health; Gender and Public Policies, State Planning Board, Kerala
  3. Member, Women Policy of Kerala State
  4. Jury Memebr , Laadli Media and Advertising Awards for Gender Sensitivity (LMAAGS) supported by UNFPA for the years 2020,2021 and 2022

Significant Achievement/Contribution

  1. Book Review Editor, Social Change Journal, Sage Publications(2017 June- 2020 June)
  2. Got selected Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London (KCL in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS) on laws of social reproduction funded by European Research Council on February 26th 2020  [Declined the offer]

Courses Taught:

  1. Affirmative Action and Discriminative Justice (8th Semester LLB- one batch)
  2. Human Rights Law (9th Semester LLB- 2 batches)
  3. Gender Rights and Feminist Jurisprudence ((10th Semester- 1 batch)
  4. Legal Research Methods Academic writing and teaching (LLM 1 st Semester- 2 batches)
  5. Bioethics and Interdisciplinary approaches in law (LLM- 1st Semester- 2 batches)
  6. Patent Laws and Policies (LLM 2nd semester- 3 batches)
  7. Seminar Course (LLM 2nd Semester- 2 batches)
  8. Law, Science and Technology (3rd Semester LLM- 2 batches)
  9. Gender Rights and Technology (4th semester LLM- 1 batch)
  10. Legal Research Methodology (1st Semester PhD- 4 batches)
  11. Constitutionalism, Legality and Justice in India (IMPSS Ist semester – 2 batches)
  12. Social Medicine and Community Health (IMPSS, 4th Semester – 1 batch)
  13. Fundamental of Indian Constitution- (IIRBS, 6th Semester- 1 batch)

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